
Horizon Grant PRIX Slovakia has its winners

Slovak round of International competition of RC models of hydrogen cars has succesfully completed the 3rd year and knows its winner. On the 10th of April 2019 in Bratislava “Zážitkové centrum vedy – Aurelium“ was held the third national round of International hydrogen powered cars competition with the new name: HORIZON GRAND PRIX (in the past H2AC).

Company KVANT financially supported this event. A total of 10 teams from 10 secondary schools took part in this competition. The winner of the 6-hour race was a team from Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering in Kysucké Nové Mesto with a total of 1073 laps and an average time 20,61 seconds per lap. With 1035 laps and an average time 20,61 seconds per lap, the team named Ostrov team from Secondary Vocational School in Košice came on the second place. These winning teams will represent Slovakia on International finals in Prague to be held from 6th to 8th of June 2019 on the Science Trade show of the Academy of Sciences.

Schools from United States of America, Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia will be presented there.